What Does Lawl Mean?

A term that is widely used in texting, and on social media and elsewhere on the internet, but what does lawl mean in slang?

Most Common Lawl Meaning

Lawl means LOL, which stands for Laugh Out Loud or Laughing Out Loud.

Using Lawl

Lawl is used as a phonetic spelling of LOL, in response to something that made you laugh.


I haven’t even started my assignment, let alone finish it lawl.

Alternative Lawl Meaning

Laughing A Whole Lot.

What Does Lawl Mean?

LOL, which stands for Laugh Out Loud or Laughing Out Loud.

Related Slang Terms

Kek LOL, which stands for Laugh Out Loud or Laughing Out Loud.
LEL LOL, which stands for Laugh Out Loud or Laughing Out Loud.
LOL Laugh Out Loud or Laughing Out Loud.
555 Hahaha.
BOL Bark Out Loud or Barking Out Loud.
CTFU Cracking The F**k Up.
FSE Funniest Sh*t Ever.
KML Killing Myself Laughing.
KMSL Killing Myself Laughing.
LBS Laughing But Serious.
LBVS Laughing But Very Serious.
LHH Laughing Hella Hard.
LLAB Laughing Like A Bitch.
LLF Laugh Like F**k or Laughing Like F**k.
LLS Laughing Like Sh*t.
LMAO Laughing My Ass Off.
LMFAO Laughing My F**king Ass Off.
LMHO Laughing My Head Off.
ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing.
ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off.
XD An emoticon for a laughing face.

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